Ripe – Little Less Polite

I don’t know about you but personally, this song resonates in me in the current context, you know… covid, politics, blah blah blah… So, even though this song is already 2 years old, I had to share it. Also, I have to confess, since I listened to it (not long ago, shame on me…), I have played it on repeat and I even tried to scream the chorus out with as much talent as Robbie Wulfsohn sings it. In vain of course… but oh my, it does feel good.

Ripe, aka the Boston’s Ambassadors of Funk, offer us another musical gem here. It starts gently, but be careful guys, very quickly, you’ll find yourself crazy dancing wherever you are, screaming the above mentioned chorus. “I think I’m about to be… a little less poliiiiite!!!!”.
Along with the amazing vocals (Robbie Wulfsohn), this song is the essence of funk, the groovy bass with an ounce of slap (Nadav Shapira), the precise and powerful brass section (trumpeter Josh Shpak and trombonist Calvin Barthel), the funky staccatos on guitars (Tory Geismar and Jon Becker), the frenetic keyboard and the disco “shake that body” drums (Sampson Hellerman)!
Pure energy.

Let’s come back to the also very engaging lyrics, Robbie Wulfsohn explained: “I watched one of my best friends go through one of the hardest moments of her life while trying not to let any of that emotion show. I watched that buildup of pressure just grow and grow and grow until something had to give. I cannot imagine ever being in that situation and not having someone or something to help me work through that headspace, and I wanted to see if it was possible to make that space in a song for people that don’t know where else they’d put all that darkness.

Sounds familiar? If yes, put Little Less Polite on, pump up the volume and… free yourself!

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More information

🎧 Released in 2020.
🎧 More from Ripe:
❤ Follow Ripe on


📷 Background image: Photo by Erik Mclean (thank you!)


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We are musicians and to help unknown or “less” known artists to promote their art, we became curators, so we curate and explore the web to find what’s really good and probably underrated in independent music.
Enjoy and take care.

#IndieFunk #Ripe #LittleLessPolite #headphonik #indiemusic #indie #angry #polite #annoyed #crack #breakdown #pressure #indieartist

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